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Private Residence In Waupun, Wisconsin



The WPRS was contacted in January 2018 by the client about paranormal activity occurring in their home. The home is located in Waupun, Wisconsin. The client has lived in the home for four years. Activity seems to have been occurring sporadically since the client moved in.  


Paranormal Activity Reported

Items disappearing and reappearing in a different location.

Bench in living room feels as if being shaken when client is sitting on it.

Adult dog was dragged across the floor leaving marks in the floor from her claws.

Feeling of being touched: client had feet tickled while in bed, also felt her shoulder touched.

Client’s daughter, boyfriend and their children previously lived in the home with the client. Boyfriend saw apparition of a woman at the foot of his bed.

Granddaughter pulled back the blanket on her bed and then proceeded to bring the cover up as if covering someone and tucking them into bed.



The investigation took place on Saturday, May 5, 2018. Investigators Blaschka, Beaudry, Abrams, and Sczygelski were present. Equipment used during the investigation included digital voice recorders, EMF Detectors, DVR System, Full Spectrum Camera, two REM-pods, K-II meter, vibration detector and motion sensor.

The client gave a tour to the investigators and explained where activity has been occurring.

Following the tour, equipment was set up. Camera one was placed upstairs in the office area facing the master bedroom. Camera two was placed in the living room facing the bench and front door area. Camera three was placed downstairs in the blue bedroom facing the closet. A REM-pod was placed on the bed in the downstairs bedroom and another on a trunk in the upstairs master bedroom. A vibration detector was placed on the bench that the client felt shake. Shortly after equipment was set up, the detector went off multiple times. After attempts to debunk this, it was determined the vibration was not from traffic going by on the road or from one of the investigators moving.

During an EVP session in the living room/lower bedroom, investigators Beaudry and Blaschka were in the living room and Sczygelski and Abrams were in the back lower bedroom. Beaudry asks if there is anyone present to make a noise, knock on a wall – right after Beaudry’s voice you hear what sounds like a voice saying wall:

                                      CLICK HERE TO LISTEN

During the same EVP session in the living room/lower bedroom area, investigator Sczygelski was holding a K-II meter during the session. There were two hits on the meter, with the meter lighting up completely to red. At the same time the second K-II hit registered, Sczygelski felt what could be described as an electric charge go down her left leg and a sound of a buzz/interference on the recorder.

                                      CLICK HERE TO LISTEN

Full spectrum photos were taken during the course of the investigation. No anomalies were found. There was an interesting orb captured in the upstairs office area on the DVR camera. It seemed to move down from the ceiling, then stopped and veered up and off to the side out of view.


 Conclusion and Recommendation

Due to the audio recordings that were captured and personal experiences in the home, the WRPS feels that the residence does have paranormal activity. Nothing captured seemed malicious in nature. It is recommended that the client take steps to take back control of her home. Verbally speak to whatever entities may be in the home and set ground rules. The client must be forceful but not rude with her rules. She must stand her ground. Continue to make repairs and clean up areas throughout the home. Disorganized homes can draw negative spirits and negativity; if an entity is attached to the home because it was a prior owner, they can be upset about the state of the home. Having the home blessed and burning sage can help to clean the atmosphere of the home as well.

*Any use or reproduction of this documentation is prohibited without the sole permission of Ann Sczygelski and the WPRS.